JUNIORS FUND sponsoring and supporting animal welfare providers.
Juniors Fund
Assisting in the Rescue and Medical Treatment of Abused, Abandoned or Homeless Cats and Kittens. We are sorry but we do not accept owner surrendered pets. We can list you animal on our Petfinder Page to assist in rehoming, or we can direct you to other organizations that may be able to help. Juniors Fund is a 501(c)3 non profit organization. We are an all volunteer organization and do not operate a shelter. All animals are housed with temporary fosters
About Our Foundation
Juniors Fund was founded in 2016, aiming to facilitate the administration of veterinary care for domesticated animals by sponsoring and supporting animal welfare providers and pet owners. We fulfill this mission by 1). Saving cats and kittens at risk of euthanasia in North Carolina by providing them with routine and emergent veterinary care and assisting in placing them in permanent loving homes, 2). by assisting domesticated pets who have or are suspected to have Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), and their owners demonstrate financial hardship in regards to their ability to diagnose or obtain related veterinary treatment.
Just getting Junior diagnosed and stable was expensive. I was fortunate because I had both pet insurance and the financial means to focus on what was best for him. It would have been incredibly stressful for me, if I knew there was treatment available and I couldn’t afford to get him the help he needed.
I created Juniors Fund because I have a passion for helping animals and I wanted to be able to make a difference in their lives.
Junior's Story
Hi, my name is Junior and I am a very special kitty. My owner thinks she adopted me, but I really picked her out of all of the available pet parents. By her count I lived about fifteen lives not nine! We had lots of good times together. If she would have let me, I would have been an awesome hunter, but she was afraid to let me be an outdoor cat, so I always had to wear this silly harness when we went for walks. It really impeded my stalking ability. I was however, able to hear the birds and watch the bunnies from the safety of my screened porch, life was good.
I was a rather curious cat, and got into all sorts of trouble. I also had lots of ailments. Although I fought to the very end, IBD and lymphoma eventually took their toll, and my owner promised she would not let me suffer. She made a very difficult decision and helped me cross the rainbow bridge. She misses me very much, and you know what…I miss her too!
She wanted to do something to remember me, and I suggested we create a special fund to help other furry friends, and with that, Juniors Fund was created.
-Marianne and Junior

Adopt a Kitten
Millions of homeless pets are euthanized in shelters every year. Please open your home and your heart to a shelter pet!
Matching pet to family is an important part of the successful adoption process. For this reason, all potential adopters go through an important screening process that includes:
Personal and Veterinarian Reference Checks
Home Visit

Please complete an online adoption application using the link below.
Please email juniorsfund@gmail.com or call 980-239-7892 if you need a PDF copy of our adoption application.
Adoption Requirements
- Application must be submitted prior to meeting the kitten
- Veterinarian and personal references will be contacted
- You commit to providing your cat or kitten an indoor only home
- A home visit may be conducted prior to adoption
- An agreement will be signed and the time of adoption
- An adoption donation is required to help defray the cost of the pet's veterinary care, spay/neuter and vaccines
- Applicants must be 24 years of age or older
- Applicant must demonstrate financial means to care for the pet
While we make an effort to ensure that all of our animals are healthy prior to adoption, it is important to note that they have been rescued and little is known about their backgrounds.
In partnership with Charlotte Mecklenburg Animal Care and Control, Gaston County Animal Care and Enforcement, Union County Animal Services, Petco Love and local veterinary clinics, we are proud to have played a part in saving 34 kitten lives in 2021!
Available Kittens
Please call us at 980-239-7892 for more information or complete an application using the link above to apply to adopt one of these kittens!

Juniors Fund is proud to partner with local shelters saving kittens at risk of euthanasia. Here are some of the precious babies we have played a role in saving.
Class of 2019


Brooks and Dunn

Rocky, Adrian and Balboa




Spirit and Ashe

Precious, Peace & Saint

Simon and Garfunkle

Laverne and Shirley

Donna and Louise




Frazier and Niles


Orange Blossom, Yellow Rose, Bluebell

Copper Penny
Golden Nugget

Frosty, Alvin, Silverbell, Holly, Rudolph
Class of 2020

Captain and Sweet Figgy
Nancy Drew

Charlie Chaplin

Kate and Meghan
Leonardo da Vinci

Harry Potter
Oreo and Link

Edwina and Verne

Grey Goose, Absolute and Tito

Jack and Jill



Natasha, Nebula, Loki, Gamora, Thor, Odin


Felix and Oscar

Creamsicle and Honey

Coal, Smokie, Midnight and Poppy

Class of 2021



Cocoa Chanel



Tressa and Priscilla



Tartar Sauce






Stripey, Cloud, Spaghetti Meatball, Mini Meatball

Page Title
Apply for an IBD Grant
Through Juniors Fund we hope to help families of pets suspected to have IBD defray the costs associated with treatment. We strive to help patients that are likely to have a good outcome with therapy. Although we may not be able to cover the full costs of treatment, we know every little bit helps.
Criteria for receiving assistance are as follows:
An internal medicine veterinarian has diagnosed the pet with IBD or determines that the pet is suspected to have IBD.
The pet's expected outcome from treatment is good quality of life with life expectancy of greater than one year after treatment.
The applicant must have an extenuating financial need.
Completed applications may be emailed to juniorsfund@gmail.com
Applications will be reviewed and responded to within one week of receipt
Donate To Juniors Fund

Donate Now By Pay Pal
Juniors Fund aims to facilitate the administration of veterinary care for domesticated animals by sponsoring and supporting animal welfare providers and pet owners. Grant award preference is given to 1) to save cats and kittens at risk of euthanasia in North Carolina by providing them with routine and emergent veterinary care and assisting in placing them in permanenet loving homes, 2). domesticated pets who have or are suspected to have Irritable bowel disease (IBD), and their owners demonstrate financial hardship in regards to their ability to diagnose or obtain related veterinary treatment, and 3) in order to provide financial assistance to veterinarians to fund medical treatment for abused, abandoned or otherwise homeless domesticated animals. We are grateful to our generous donors for sharing our vision.
You may make a secure contribution using Paypal, or by mailing your donation.

Make Checks Payable to Juniors Fund
16011 - A Lancaster Highway
Box 156
Charlotte, NC 28277
Juniors Fund is a North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation. We are a 501(c)3 organization so your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Meet some of our pets

Blue Man Chew
Blue Man Chew found and pursued me in his search for a forever home. Though Chew Chew refuses to be held, he always looks for a cozy lap to snuggle on. He is very particular about his favorite brand of cat food but has never found a shrimp he could turn down. Being a Persian cat with long hair and the hair balls that follow, Chew Chew gets his fur shaved and has a long Mohawk down his back. He prefers to refer to his haircut as "cattitude".
I refer to him as the best cat pal ever.

Sandy and Louie
Sandy is the orange tabby and Louie is the tuxedo. Sandy adopted Louie and I adopted Sandy! Louie and five of his siblings were tied in a plastic bag and thrown in the trash at one week old. A Good Samaritan heard them crying and rescued them. She brought them to an animal hospital that just happened to have an abandoned kitty named Sandy that had just lost her litter! She cared for and nurtured the kittens as if they were her own. I went to adopt Louie, and the astute vet tech played on my emotions and said..."no one wants to adopt an adult cat". They both came home with me!

Mr. Guy
Mr Guy was never very successful at tricks or hide and seek. But he was a champion when it came to kisses, snuggles and faithfulness. My wonderful shih tzu was my best buddy for 12 years. He filled me with joy every time he wagged his feathery tail. Though he has passed over the bridge, his handsome face and my memories of our lives together stay in my heart every day.
Success Stories

Susie was relinquished to Indian Land Animal Hospital by her owners due to financial constraints. She came to us with symptoms of a urinary tract infection. After bloodwork was performed, she was diagnosed with diabetes which explains why she was urinating in the house. She is currently on insulin twice daily and we are performing blood glucose curves every 4-5 days to monitor her blood glucose levels. We are in high hopes that she will go in to remission with her diabetes and then will be healthy enough to find her forever home. Susie is a beautiful all white spayed female. She has been de clawed at some point in her life. Her eyes are emerald green and she struts around with her bob cat tail. She has nothing but love for everyone. She is truly tankful for this second chance at life!

This very sweet cat has obviously lost her way home and has decided that she is going to hang out at my place. She showed up Friday night. She was skin and bones and wouldn't stop crying when she walked up to me. Once I gave her some food and water, she settled down. So obviously she has been lost for at least a week and is used to being fed. She LOVES to be around people. She is not allowed inside, as I haven't taken her to the vet yet. I feed her two times a day (which has helped her put on a little weight). I really hope I can find this sweet cat's owner, as I cannot keep her...I am SO allergic to cats ☹️ Hopefully someone will recognize her. I am at the vet with her right now. This cat is so laid back, she's just laying in the cage, not crying or trying to get out. The vet says she is around 1 years old. She said it looks like she had kittens, but it would have been months ago. She is NOT pregnant. She does NOT have a chip. I'm having her vaccinated for rabies, treating her for fleas and ear mites and deworming. Where am I going to come up with the $$$ to pay this bill (considering I do not have a job right now)...I don't know. I just hope that I can find this sweet, loving, laid back kitty her forever home.